IGA is a proud supporter of First Step Charity, which provides essential help in transportation for residents in northern Newfoundland, enabling better access to medical care outside of the region.
Below is a news article from the Northern Pen from February 13, 2019:
“First Step charity provides financial help for medical travel from the northern tip of Newfoundland’s Northern Peninsula. Since October 2017, First Step has assisted with 63 medical trips disbursing almost $26,000. Of those trips, 44 were to St. John’s, 18 to Corner Brook, and one out of the province. First Steps ability to provide this assistance is directly related to money that individuals, civic organizations, churches, and businesses give to First Step.
There are many ways to support First Step. Several individuals and businesses have committed to provide a fixed dollar amount per year for five years. Others have made one-time donations. Some have held, or committed to hold, fund raising events such as concerts, dart tournaments, ad bike rallies. A $300 donation provides gasoline for those going to St. John’s and a $150 donation provides gasoline for those going to Corner Brook.
If you would like to give to help supports others, you may do so via credit card or PayPal at the donation section of the First Step website https://www.firststepcharity.com, via bank transfer by emailing charityfirststep@gmail.com, via check by mailing it to P.O Box 144, St. Luniare-Griquet, NL, A0K 2X0. If you would like to hold an event call (709) 623-2007 or email mark@wilkoff.com.
First Step provides assistance to people living in and around Goose Cove, St. Anthony Bight, St. Carol’s, Great Brehat, Cook’s Harbour, Wild Bight, North Boat Harbour, Raleigh, Ship Cove, St. Lunaire-Griquet, Gunner’s Cove, Quirpon, Noddy Bay, Hay Cove, Straitsview, and L’Anse aux Meadows.
First Step is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency and supported in part by a grant from the International Grenfell Association.”