The St. Barbe volunteer fire department has been in operation since 1991, servicing over 600
within the four communities of St. Barbe, Foresters Point, Black Duck Cove, and Pigeon Cove. It
also provides mutual aid to surrounding areas with fire protection, highway accidents and other
emergencies which may arise, along with community events.


The IGA recently granted funding for two new pieces of equipment for this department. One is
for chimney fires, and the other is a piercing nozzle that can induce water or foam inside most
vehicles, or outside wall house compartments without putting fire personnel at any added risk.
Through extensive training, their personnel have been training on the best way to apply these
tools to better save lives and property in and around their communities!


The IGA has been a proud supporter of many fire department grants in the IGA region over the
past ten years or so, and congratulates the volunteers all around the region for the invaluable
work you do on behalf of residents.

As a matter of fact, in the past ten years alone, the IGA has granted $1,258,100 to fire
departments to help protect residents from all around the IGA region!