In 2021 the IGA funded the Goose Cove Wellness Committee’s Back Cove Park restoration project through our Grant Program. The park’s infrastructure was dilapidated, and with the price of lumber skyrocketing during the pandemic, the Committee was unable to restore this beautiful fixture in the community.
Goose Cove’s Back Cove park restoration was especially important during the pandemic, as the trail (when safe) allows members of the community to get outdoors, get active, walk with friends at a distance, and attend to their mental health. The dilapidated structure of the boardwalk and the park’s other essential features left the town without a valuable piece of their community.
With a grant from the IGA valued at $15, 000 the Goose Cove Wellness Committee arranged the restoration of the trail and boardwalk. In addition to this, park users will have access to new benches, picnic tables and garbage cans.
The IGA is so glad to see the Boardwalk restored, and its regular patrons returning now that the park is safe again!