In 2021, The Southern Labrador Development Association recognized the need for a Senior Services Office in the Labrador Straits. They determined that seniors in rural areas are at a disadvantage when it comes to information accessible to senior citizens. As times are changing it becomes increasingly difficult for seniors to stay updated on issues they may encounter such as housing, transportation, medical/health, social participation, inclusion, recreation, etc.


Since settling into the new office, employees have been busy researching, networking and communicating with local businesses and seniors to determine the needs of the population. Thus far employees have been assisting seniors with things such as: vaccination bookings, contacting healthcare providers, printing services (ex. vaccine passports), Medical Transportation Assistance Program forms, among many other things.

I posted an advertisement on Facebook stating that the seniors office is able to book flu shots, and there were approximately 18 people who contacted the office and booked their vaccination. This is nearly 65 people assisted in the first week of having the office publicized. 

                                       ~Ms. Aimee Buckle – Seniors’ Service Office


To get the word out about the office and services provided, meetings have been set up as this is a good way to share information with community members who do not have access to social media. Employees have met with the Forteau 50+ Club members to share information about what services are provided at the office. The L’Anse au Loup 50+ Club attended a “Lunch n’ Learn” through the Community Sector NL, to learn about the seniors office. There was a discussion based around the services provided and also what seniors would like to see in the area. The president of the club mentioned that they would like to see more crafts in the area so staff has already been in contact with leaders of the local Art Hives committee!

The IGA prides itself in supporting the citizens of Northern Newfoundland and Coastal Labrador, especially those who are vulnerable. When the IGA was alerted to the need of senior citizens in its service area, the organization was proud to support the SLDA in their mission to support senior citizens.