2024 Bursary Profiles Posted! Look through our updated Bursary Profiles to see this years recipients! Read Story
Roots of Empathy New Instructors Training "Changing the World Child by Child" Read Story
New View Finder in Makkovik Funded by the IGA Addition Enhances the Local Trail System Read Story
Student Highlight: Amelia Jones Read about the IGA's 5-year consecutive Bursary Recipient! Read Story
Wonderbolt’s Nunatsiavut Youth Circus Project Read Story
Strengthening Our Communities The IGA helped to fund the new Central Labrador YMCA Read Story
50+ Club Bakes Cookies to Fundraise for Ukraine SLDA Benefits from IGA Grant
Stress and Anxiety Relief Activities for CNA Students With the help of the IGA, the Happy Valley- Goose Bay CNA provides students with activities to minimize stress and expand their connections. Read Story
IGA Funds Senior Services Office for 50+ Labrador Straits Citizens Read Story
Englee Volunteer Fire Department Upgrades its Equipment, Thanks to an IGA Grant! Read Story
Community Food Hub in Goose Bay Helped by IGA $4800 Grant Helps Educate Local Kids READ MORE
Promoting Traditional Skills in Southern Labrador IGA Helps the NunatuKavut Community Council in Creating Local Crafts READ MORE
The Circus Visits Rigolet IGA Helps Wonderbolt Perform for Northern Labrador Community READ MORE
Character Development at Peacock Primary Students in Goose Bay get new mascot courtesy of IGA
Agvituk Historical Society Exploring the history of the Labrador Inuit READ MORE
James Cook Memorial School Moving Forward Together READ MORE
St. Anthony Boys & Girls Club Promoting healthy, active participation READ MORE

The IGA Helps Fund the 47th Labrador Creative Arts Festival - "Breaking Boundaries"

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Did You Know?

The IGA has granted $1,986,705 in grants and student bursaries for 2024! In all, there are 68 new Grants and 133 new Bursaries!

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Who We Are

The IGA is dedicated to keeping the spirit of service alive in Newfoundland and Labrador through the 21st century. Meet the people who keep Sir Grenfell’s mission going today:

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Latest News

6 Stories View All

The IGA Aids Mount Nascopi Ski Club’s All-Season Recreation Trail

The IGA Aids Mount Nascopi Ski Club’s All-Season Recreation Trail

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The IGA Helps Enhance Firefighter Safety on the Great Northern Peninsula

The IGA Helps Enhance Firefighter Safety on the Great Northern Peninsula

The IGA recently granted funding for two SCBAs for the St. Barbe Volunteer Fire Department.

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The IGA Funds New Equipment at the Goose Bay Judo Club!

The IGA Funds New Equipment at the Goose Bay Judo Club!

With help from the IGA, the Goose Bay Judo Club were able to customize a program setup that supports ongoing youth judo training programs and the Cub’s ability to host competitions!

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IGA helps fund the Southern Labrador Development Association’s Improvements and Expansion of their Regional Community Garden!

IGA helps fund the Southern Labrador Development Association’s Improvements and Expansion of their Regional Community Garden!

With the help of the IGA, 42 garden plots were cleared, tilled and designated by markers and numbers.

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The IGA Funds St. Barbe Volunteer Fire Department’s New Fire Fighting Equipment!

The IGA Funds St. Barbe Volunteer Fire Department’s New Fire Fighting Equipment!

The IGA recently granted funding for two new pieces of equipment for the St. Barbe volunteer fire department.

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The IGA Assists St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc (SABRI) with Trail Advancement of the Iceberg Trail!

The IGA Assists St. Anthony Basin Resources Inc (SABRI) with Trail Advancement of the Iceberg Trail!

SABRI has advanced several community development projects. With help from the IGA, one project is the advancement of the Iceberg Trail.

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