Ashley Saulter is a Medical Laboratory Assistant student at MUN’s Grenfell Campus in Corner Brook. The Forteau resident says she has always liked science, and wants to pursue a post-secondary education that will allow her to help people back in Labrador. Her career goal is to work for Labrador Grenfell Health in Forteau’s local hospital, but Ashley has also considered furthering her post-secondary education to become a Medical Laboratory Technician. Ashley is thankful for the IGA Bursary Program and says it helps many students put their career plans in motion.
Ashley has always enjoyed outdoor activities like snowmobiling (especially to her family’s Labrador cabin) and cross country skiing. She began skiing as a child and completed 7 years of instruction before completing a clinic to become a certified community coach. Ashley sees cross country skiing as a .lifelong activity that taught her leadership and responsibility.
Another activity Ashley showed appreciation for is the Junior Canadian Rangers. She says this group taught her more about leadership and also about outdoor survival skills.