20-year-old Jordan Bartlett of St. Lunaire-Griquet graduated from high school in 2014. Having completed all of his schooling from kindergarten to grade eleven in his hometown, Jordan was moved to White Hills Academy in St. Anthony (a short distance away) to finish his last year of high school, where he graduated as valedictorian of his class. Jordan believes growing up in St. Lunaire-Griquet taught him important life lessons—he attributes his success so far to having a great work ethic, small town values, and a good attitude.
At the start of his high school career, Jordan decided mechanical engineering was what he wanted to pursue after graduation. He says he always had a passion for the line of work, and is now studying it at Memorial University. In the future, Jordan hopes to work around the world, designing and creating things to solve real world problems. He noted his appreciation for not only the bursary he received, but the entirety of the IGA and how much it has done for the St. Anthony area—adding that he hopes to also give back to the town (and area) at some point in the future. Jordan spoke briefly about moving out of residence at MUN and into a house off campus. He says his bursary will help him immensely, assisting with the cost of books and tuition, but also with the cost of rent, transportation, and groceries.
Outside of school, Jordan enjoys softball, swimming, volunteering, and reading. He would like to someday obtain a recreational pilot’s license and travel as much of the world as he can, with the goal of visiting all seven continents.
Jordan’s advice to others coming from the Northern Newfoundland region to pursue post-secondary education is to first of all take time to properly adjust to city life. Although the thought of packed lecture halls at university or being away from family in the city is unsettling, he says it’s important to have an open mind and not be too intimidated by it.